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You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »

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You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »

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You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »

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You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »


Stealing your personal identity with Cyber Crime

cybercrimeCrimes using credit cards have become very famous and are occurring almost every single day with people. In such kind of crime the most important thing is stolen, that is your personal identity!

There was a movie depicting crime in which the credit cards, the social security number and the personal identity of a woman named Michelle Brown were stolen. This woman had to go through a lot of problems as the thief not only access the bank account of the victim but also proved herself as Michelle Brown. She was not able to get loans for her new house and she lost her savings from the account. So to avoid such situations one must take the precautions as follows.

1) The bank account should be checked on regular basis and if the debit card shows any unusual activity then the transactions, cross check everything!

2) When a person is applying for credit cards please opt for the credit card fraud alert and keep reviewing the credit card statements regularly.

3) Trojan is a deadly virus which attacks the information through internet and emails. If a person opens the email carrying the virus, it started working and waits for the person to access the bank account online. It is quite easy for hacker to get the details with this virus.

4) Please don’t provide any private information about the credit card number and bank account to anyone.

5) A person must use Norton Antivirus or McAfee or other such strong anti virus products and it should be updated regularly.

How to Save Money on the Care of your Children

money-saving-tips1It can be a real challenge to find ways to save money when you have children at home. There are a lot of costs that exist for parents when they have children. Many parents have a hard time keeping up with the clothes and shoes that children go through as they continue to grow.

One thing to try if you are struggling with this is to check out some thrift shops are stores that sell clothing on consignment. Something else that you can try is to get together with parents that you know and trade them for items that your child doesn’t need anymore. In this way, you can get items that you need for your children without having to break the bank. You won’t even have to have a garage sale to get rid of the clothing and shoes your child doesn’t fit into anymore. Something else to do is try to find deals with referrals for different physicians or even dentists. There are many entertainment options at home that kids can enjoy without you having to pay a fortune, as well. Books and other types of entertainment can take place right at home and you don’t have to spend a great deal of money, either. Use these tips to spend less on the care of your children.

Getting Down the Basics of the Registered Retirement Savings Plan

For Canadians looking for a good retirement package, the Registered Retirement Savings Plan or RRSP is a good way to start. It doesn’t offer all of the answers a veteran investor might be looking for, but it has enough benefits to get all levels of investors started on their retirement plan.

For starters, the RRSP allows employees to hold off on their tax payments until they start withdrawing from their account. However, taxpayers should be careful with this benefit as this doesn’t mean they don’t have to pay taxes, just that they delay the inevitable. They’ll only feel the real effect when they’ve begun their retirement withdrawals. Fortunately, any income earned using the plan’s savings are not taxed.

How much an individual contributes to his RRSP will depend on his status as a taxpayer. If the individual is not married, he becomes the sole contributor to the RRSP. For married employees, they have the option of paying towards the RRSP using the income from the higher earner. There are also group or pooled options for employees who want to use a schedule of payroll deductions.

The RRSP isn’t a full- proof plan, and there are limitations and downsides to this retirement plan. Still, it’s a good place to start not only in terms of saving up, but also in terms of understanding the fundamentals of investing early in life.

Information About the Home Buyers Plan

Many of us are finding that we are struggling to make ends meet in a difficult economy. There is something called the Home Buyers Plan that can really help people out, but a lot of people don’t know what it’s all about and what it does. This plan lets you take out over twenty thousand dollars from an RRSP.

They can then use this money to buy a house without having to worry about paying taxes on the money. People than have fifteen years that they can pay the money back over time. This can really help people out if they are looking to purchase a house, but are struggling with being able to make that first down payment.

Unfortunately, there are some catches involved in this, as good as it sounds. For one thing, you can’t be buying your very first house. You have to have had a house over four years’ time period. Next, you have to use money that has been put in months ago. You can’t use very recent funds in this plan. Hopefully, this has given you some more information about the Home Buyer’s Plan. If you need more information, there are a lot of places to look online.